The pedoffice software is measurement software, analysis software and order software at the same time. It can process static 2D measurements, dynamic 2D foot pressure measurements and 3D foot shape measurements and process and save insole orders / VALINOS orders as well as customer data.
With the pedoffice software, we offer you a tool that is suitable for everyday use, from measurement to order creation and order management to billing preparation.
Our order management software pedoffice replaces our previous analysis software and also impresses with many additional functions for order management and documentation and billing preparation. The pedoffice software enables you to view all previous orders in detail and to save information about the customer.
In addition, all measurements and the selected insert can be displayed overlaid. It is also possible to display previous and current measurements Changes to the foot and gait are documented.
With this software you read in the customer data from the health insurance card and start the deposit order. In addition to the diagnosis, you can also check the insole type and the Select material. The order is then automatically recorded and created in an order form. Manufacturing couldn't start any easier.
Our pedoffice software is easy to use, so that you can do all of these steps in the presence of the customer.
With our order management software you can manage all workshop orders. The user interface is user-friendly and largely self-explanatory. Stored order forms especially for insoles and valinos facilitate the creation of orders and create clear and structured production processes.
In addition to the forms mentioned, there is also the option of entering any order types using a universally applicable order form in order to provide you with a To facilitate overview of all order processes. With the deposit of accounting keys, our software also facilitates the calculation of private ones Additional payment and with the printout of the order confirmation you will easily receive a binding order from the customer.
... and of course you can use this program to order our popular VALINOS ®
DevExpress is a renowned software company that provides tools and frameworks for developing user-friendly and powerful applications. In addition, DevExpress offers solutions for data visualization, reporting, and more. DevExpress strives to provide developers with tools that increase efficiency and improve the quality of applications.
DevExpress has selected our pedoffice software as an reference and uses our platform as a case study for corresponding components.